Vidatox 30 CH Homeopathic Medication

What is Vidatox®?

Vidatox 30 CH is the newest Cuban natural and homeopathic medication, based on blue scorpion’s venom. This medication has anti-inflammatory, analgetic and anti-tumor effect and is in general used in oncology. Apart from this, Vidatox 30 CH has a powerful detoxication effect, which allowed patients taking this medication to improve their well-being and health significantly, as well as to detox their organisms efficiently after chemotherapy. This medication has anti-inflammatory, analgetic and anti-tumor effect and is in general used in oncology. Apart from this, Vidatox 30 CH has a powerful detoxication effect, which allowed patients taking this medication to improve their well-being and health significantly, as well as to detox their organisms efficiently after chemotherapy.

Cuban scientists have long engaged in the development of drugs, based on natural ingredients for the treatment of serious diseases of animals and humans. The idea to use scorpion’s venom is not accidental. Medical properties of a blue scorpion’s venom have been known for a long time. Since ancient times, the ancestors of Cubans treated deadly diseases using scorpion’s venom. For the first time, research on blue scorpion’s venom was started in 1997. This medication is based on the venom of a particular scorpion species (Rhopalurus Junceus) inhabiting exclusively eastern part of Cuba island. This species gained its name for blue tail. Blue scorpion lives only in the wild and is endemic species to Cuba listed in the global Red Book. To date, it is not possible to grow blue scorpions in a laboratory environment, therefore it is necessary to catch each animal unit in the wild. In the following, scorpions are kept in a laboratory environment, similar to natural. One scorpion is able to give 0.02 ml (2-3 drops) of venom once in 45 days, which stipulates very limited number of medication produced.

It took fifteen years for researches to create this medication and prove its efficiency in treatment for tumors. Long researches resulted in creation of a medication named Vidatox 30 CH, which is now produced by Cuban innovative company – laboratory Grupo Empresarial LABIOFAM, Havana, Cuba. The medication passed all clinical trials, also, its pharmacological properties for oncology were tested and proved. About 10 000 patients form Europe, Cuba and USA took part in the process of research and study of this new medication. Throughout the treatment course, no side effects were identified at patients in relation to the use of Vidatox 30 CH. It is considered that this medication reduces dissemination of diseased cells and prolongs patient’s life expectancy. A laboratory research, by a multidisciplinary group, concluded that in vitro the Blue Scorpion venom possessed a selective and differential toxicity against diseased cells, and only diseased cells showed significant viability reduction. The research results also showed that after use of Vidatox 30 CH the improvement of patients’ well-being is observable. It is based on the intensive detoxication of organism.

Vidatox 30 CH can be used as an addition to the oncologic therapy. General advantages of this medication are increased patients survival, reduced pain sensations, activity increase, as well as improved quality of life.

Use of Vidatox 30 CH does not affect the human health adversely.

Vidatox 30 CH has unique cleaning properties for human organism. After use of therapy course, patients are observed to have improvement of metabolic processes, blood tests indices improve, life energy increases, there is a rejuvenation of an organism. All this is resulted from the substantial organism detoxication.

Vidatox 30 CH is a certified product. This homeopathic medication is nowadays produced by the Cuban company Grupo Empresarial LABIOFAM, Havana, Cuba.

Labiofam Vidatox comes in three versions. First is Vidatox 30 CH with green-colored label which was clinically tested from 1997 and officially presented 15 years later. Based on years of experience with original Vidatox, Cuban scientists improved and renewed its formula and presented newest version of Vidatox 30 CH which has brown-colored label.

Be careful with similar medicine from other producers except Labiofam which say it’s analogue of Vidatox. It can’t be true, because Junceus Rhopalurus scorpionis endemic to Cuba. That’s why State Center for Control of Drugs, Equipment and Medical Devices (CECMED) alerts: “Any preparation made from Rhopalurusjunceus scorpion venom other than the homeopathic medicine Vidatox 30 CH sublingual drops, lacks sanitary authorization; its distribution and use are unauthorized and constitute a health risk.”

How does Vidatox work?

Vidatox 30 CH has anti-inflammatory, anti-metastatic, and anti-tumor effect. Vidatox 30 CH has a prolonged analgesic effect and it is not addictive. It, therefore, represents a potential therapeutic alternative for the treatment of neoplastic disease in humans.

Vidatox 30 CH works by stimulating the immune system to attack the growing tumor. It binds to the diseased cells and blocks tumor angiogenesis that supplies the tumor with the needed nutrients. This provides pain relief and healing as it has anti-inflammatory and pain killing effects. The use of Vidatox 30 CH prevents the undesirable symptoms produced by the cytostatic drugs and ionizing radiations to which patients are usually subjected.

Created by Labiofam laboratories, Vidatox 30 CH medication is one of the most natural and homeopathic medications available. It is also effective analgesic and antipyretic. Vidatox 30 CH is a potentially non-toxic product that is administered through oral consumption. It is taken simply under the tongue as sublingual drops.

Vidatox 30 CH does not exclude or limit the traditional treatment, however, it facilitates and enhances the positive effect of the chemotherapy and radiation therapy and to reduces the undesirable effects.

How to use

Vidatox 30 CH is used orally. It is taken under the tongue as sublingual drops – 5 sublingual drops every 12 hours.

In the process of use, there is no need for a patient to keep a diet, but taking into account the better absorption process of active ingredients of this medication, it is recommended to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. Diet only increases the effect, but the medication acts without keeping diets.

If patient does not tolerate the direct oral application of the drug because it contained alcohol, or because of the lesions digestive track etc., it suggested to add a 5 drops of Vidatox 30 CH to 15 ml (1 spoonful) of boiled or purified water, stir it with a plastic or wooden stick, then to apply.

Do not take simultaneously with spicy food or liquids, as well as with products having a pungent odor – it should be distant from spicy food, drink, toothpaste (teeth brushing), smoking at least 15-30 minutes before or after.


Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, pediatric patients under 2-12 years old.


Vidatox 30 CH should be stored in a dry, dark place at a room temperature, and should not be subjected to sudden changes of temperature.

Like all homeopathic medicines, Vidatox 30 CH should be kept away from sources of electromagnetic fields and radiation, such as cell phones, speaker, radio, TV, electric motors, etc.

Legal Documents

Largavida Produkt Bimor

Largavida: Terapi komplementare bimore në trajtimin e të gjitha llojeve të kancerit. Largavida GR2 ndihmon në frenimin e rritjes së pakontrolluar qelizore duke mundësuar një terapi shumë të mirë mbështetëse bashkë me VIDATOX në trajtimin e llojeve të ndryshme të kancerit si: kanceri  i gjirit, kanceri i prostatës, kanceri i qafës së mitrës, kanceri i mëlçisë, kanceri i  kockave dhe metastazave të tyre në organizëm duke mundësuar kështu lehtësimin e shenjave klinike që shfaqin.
Largavida GR2 vepron po ashtu në aktivizimin e enzimave pjesëmarrëse në proceset metabolike të organizimit, duke mundësuar forcimin e imunitetit. Në të njejtën kohë, eleminon toksinat nga organizimi dhe ndihmon tretjen. Luan rol të rëndësishëm në kontrollin e qelizave të kuqe të gjakut. 

100% Produkt Bimor

Bronkofam lufton sëmundjet pulmonare si bronkite akute e kronike si dhe pneumonitë e lehta dhe ato të rëndas si dhe ato te shkaktuara nga Covid.
Është provuar po ashtu që ndihmon duhanpirësit për pastrimin e rrugëve të frymëmarrjes.
Por çfarë është me rëndësi, ky produkt bimor ka dhënë rezultat edhe tek pacientët e prekur nga Kanceri i Mushkërive, të cilët pas trajtimit me Bronkofam nuk kanë pasur nevojë për oksigjenoterapi.
Bronkofam ka veti anti-oksidante, antibakteriale, antivirale, antifungale dhe vepron shpejt duke lehtësuar simptomat e shkaktuara nga sëmundjet pulmonare, si kollë nga e lehtë deri në rëndë me sekrecione, hiperventilim apo frymëmarrje e shpejtë dhe mbajtja e frymës, dhimbje në kraharor, e cila ndihet më shumë gjatë kollitjes apo mbushjes me frymë, hipoksi ose reduktim i oksigjenit në gjak dhe dobësi trupore.
Si një terapi komplementare, Bronkofam pastron brenda pak ditëve mushkëritë nga pneumonitë e rënda dhe të lehta, rrit oksigjenin në gjak, liron rrugët e frymëmarrjes brenda pak orëve, ndihmon në rikthimin e menjëhershëm të shijes, të shtimit të oreksit dhe rrit vitalitetin. Nuk ka asnjë efekt anësor.